
Our Mission

The mission of the Center for International Business Acceleration Inc. is to improve the economic conditions and foster job creation in the Southern Tier of the State of New York by serving as a source of information, research analyses, programming, coaching and mentorship to (i) those local governments, businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals interested in participating in the global economy and (ii) those foreign companies and entrepreneurs who are interested in entering the United States and in particular the Southern Tier of the State of New York.

CIBA achieves its mission by:


Why International Matters for Regional Economic Development?


Nowadays about 95 percent of potential customers and 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is outside the United States. For American producers, selling their products into international markets is not only becoming an ever-larger slice of their businesses. It also represents their future.


 Exporting companies tend to grow an average of 22% faster than non-exporters, they have higher profits, and they stay in business longer. Sales, job creation, and employment earnings also grow faster than those of non-exporters.

* Nearly 1 in 4 jobs in New York State is supported by international trade (Source: Business Roundtable)

• Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) also promotes economic growth.

* Nationwide, FDI in the United States contributes to productivity growth, generates U.S. exports, and creates high paying jobs for American workers.

* In 2019 FDI was responsible for the creation of 7.9 Million direct jobs in the U.S.; $71.4 Billion in R&D expenditures; and 24% of all U.S. goods exports.

* In New York State, 6% of employment is created by foreign-owned companies; from 2015 to 2020, New York’s FDI employment increased 7.3% while the state’s overall private sector employment decreased with 5.7% (Source: Global Business Alliance)

Risk Mitigation

Companies that export tend to better weather fluctuations in the U.S. economy.

Competition Balance

Exporting companies combat direct competition more effectively.

Risk Mitigation

Exporters can capitalize on the U.S. reputation for quality, innovation, customer service, and sound business practices.

Why Internationalization Matters
for Regional Economic Development

Nearly 1 in 4 Jobs in New York State is Supported by International Trade (Source: Business Roundtable).

International Trade Promotes
Economic Growth

Why Export?


95% of people and 70% of the world’s purchasing power are outside the U.S.


Exporting companies grow an average of 22% faster. Specifically sales, job creation, and employee earnings grow faster than those of non-exporters.

Risk Mitigation

Companies that export tend to better weather fluctuations in the U.S. economy.

Competition Balance

Exporting companies combat direct competition more effectively.

Competitive Advantage

Exporters can capitalize on the U.S. reputation for quality, innovation, customer service, and sound business practices.

Inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), also Promotes Economic Growth

Nationwide, FDI Impacts the U.S. Economy
in Many Positive Ways:


New High-Paying Jobs




U.S. Exports


U.S. Manufacturing & Services


to Rising U.S. Productivity


Competitive Jobs

7.9 Million Direct U.S. Jobs


R&D Activity

$78.3 Billion in Expenditures


U.S. Exports

7.9 Million Direct U.S. Jobs


From 2015 to 2020, New York’s FDI employment increased 7.3% while the state’s overall private sector employment decreased with 5.7% (Source: Global Business Alliance)

We view the development of strategic partnerships as a key mechanism for the achievement of CIBA’s mission. We believe that the full range of CIBA’s programming and services can be built successfully only in partnership with various stakeholders from the local community – government agencies, for-profit private sector organizations, and non-profit organizations – who share CIBA’s vision of regional prosperity through increased connectivities with the global economy.

To all our strategic partners and sponsors

Thank you for your support!